This is how it happened: my water broke on Monday-- but it was more of a slow trickle. I wasn't sure if that is what it was, so late Monday night we went in to labor and delivery just in case. Scott was at work, so I called him to let him know. He came home immediately, extremely excited. The first thing he said was, "Okay let's go become parents!" I wasn't moving fast enough for him apparently. When at the hospital, they confirmed that my water had indeed broken, and I was admitted. That night was probably the worst night of sleep I've ever gotten-- if I even slept at all. Between contractions and nurses coming in every 20 minutes, Scott and I didn't sleep at all.
Long story short, I was induced in the morning because I wasn't progressing fast enough (and the risk of infection was higher since my water broke). When the Pitocin kicked in, I definitely felt it. Finally it was time to start pushing, and I gave it my all. Scott was there the entire time, being a wonderful support. It was fun seeing how excited he was that it was only a matter of time and he would be a dad.
After only 30 minutes, Penny came into the world. She cried for about 15-20 seconds, and then she just hung out on my chest, looking around. She hasn't stopped being this chill-- she is such a great baby! She was 7 pounds, 13 ounces and 21 inches long. Born at 2:04 PM on September 3, 2013. She has a little bit of peach fuzz... not the full head of hair I was hoping for. People told me since I experienced a ton of heartburn, she was more likely to have hair. Liars. It's okay though; I love her bald little head just as much.
We went home the next day, about 24 hours after Penny was born. My whole body hurt for a few days afterward... labor and delivery is hard work! Penny is completely healthy, even though she had a problem with jaundice for a few days. Now she is fine. At 18 days old, she is the sweetest little baby girl anyone could ask for.
Above is the day after she was born, still in the hospital. Below is when we were coming home.
Scott was able to take almost a full week off from work which was way nice. My mom left the Sunday after Penny was born, so then we were on our own.
They say that having a child changes everything, and how right they were. I always heard that, but I don't think I understood until now. My whole life is changed. Never again will it just be me and Scott. We will always have someone that we constantly worry about and care for. We are responsible for raising a little human, a little child of God. We are responsible to teach her and care for her. It is a little overwhelming, and I am surprised that Heavenly Father has trusted us with one of his sweet children. I feel inadequate, but no parent ever has been perfect, so I hope I won't disappoint.
Motherhood so far has been grand, even though it can be frustrating at times. I love my sleep, and I get a wee bit irritated with everyone and everything when I don't get enough of it. Don't worry, though; I am slowly adjusting. I just wish I never had to sleep. Then I would get so much done. Scott has been wonderful at being patient with irritated, sleep-deprived me and fussy Penny. He is a great daddy already, and I know that will continue. Being a dad is, after all, what his 5-year-old self wanted to be more than anything. I've fulfilled his lifelong dream. You're welcome, Scott. :)
These moments make all the sleepless nights worth it though. It is amazing how you can love something so little and helpless so quickly and so much.
I love being a mom, even though I still feel like I am too young to be a parent. I'm not sure it will ever seem real. Maybe once I have other kids it will sink in-- we shall see. Hopefully I will find time to post in this more often now that I am getting used to being a mom and having no free time. Until next time, my friends.