Monday, July 15, 2013

I swore I never would... but here I am.

Okay, I gave in. It isn't that blogging is lame. I just didn't want to be another typical mom (or in this case, mom-to-be) rambling on about life to no one in particular. I kept seeing all of these women I know getting married, having babies, and then starting a blog. I swore I would never be one of them.

Yet, here I am. The reasons for giving in to blogging are these: I am going to really miss writing after I graduate, and blogging seems to be a good way of keeping people up-to-date. I used to have a blog--that only a few people actually read-- and I remember it being fun to write as well. So, I am jumping on the bandwagon once again. Since one of my reasons for having a blog is to keep people updated, I guess I should begin.

I am about a week away from graduating with a B.A. in English. I'm not sure how that happened; I don't feel like I've done enough work to earn a bachelor's degree. I certainly have been in school long enough, however... five years of undergraduate school isn't uncommon, but it is plenty. Though I am glad to be done with my four-year degree, I am going to miss being a student. I'm pretty sure I could just go to school the rest of my life and be happy-- not to mention the awesome job I have. I work at the Writing Center on campus. I help students with papers, work as the secretary, and grade papers for my boss. Seriously, it is the best job ever. I also work with the best people ever. They threw me a surprise baby shower a couple weeks ago and got me a bunch of amazing children's books. Yep, they are wonderful. Unfortunately, since I graduate in a few short days, I will no longer be able to work there. This is fine I guess, since I will be popping a baby out in less than two months. Sitting at a desk all day every day has gotten extremely uncomfortable, so I think I will also appreciate a break from work.

Speaking of pregnancy and its woes, I am now about 33 weeks pregnant. Even though those closest to me hear me complain about being pregnant all the time, I really am grateful that my pregnancy hasn't been worse. The women in my family generally have terrible pregnancies, and I was lucky enough to avoid the worst. I only had nausea the first half of pregnancy, followed by a couple months of feeling great. This is unheard of in my family; I was fully prepared for sickness during all 9 months. Now as I am nearing the end of this prenatal journey, however, I am feeling... uncomfortable. Back pain and joint pain are my constant companions, as well as heartburn, swelling, and the occasional nausea. Other symptoms plague me as well, but those aren't glamorous enough to be shared on the internet. Fortunately, little baby Penny (this is what her name shall be) has been healthy and strong at every doctor's appointment, so I really have no room to complain.

 I am also nearing my one-year anniversary, so time to get a little bit mushy. Last year, on August 17th, I married my absolute best friend. I can't believe it has already been a year since we got married-- time has flown so quickly. Scott has been so wonderful to me, and even though we have our rough patches (like every marriage has), I wouldn't change anything. Marriage is complete bliss; yes, it hasn't always been easy, but it has been marvelous. I know having a baby is going to make things much harder; however, it will also make things much sweeter as well. Scott has been so understanding and loving during this pregnancy, and I can't wait to become a parent with him and see how he develops into a father.

Time to wrap things up. Here is a picture that we took on Christmas night. Little did we know that in a few days, we would find out that I was pregnant. :)

And a picture of Penny at 20 weeks. I can't believe that was already 13 weeks ago.


  1. welcome to the blogosphere! i can't wait to hear about your journey as a mom and wife! love you!

  2. Thanks :) I will try to keep writing since it is sort of fun I guess... :) love you too!
