Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Time flies!

It has been quite some time since I have written. I find myself having to prioritize my activities when caring for a baby. Usually sleep and food come before cleaning, showering, and blogging... and basically everything else when Penny is napping. Time flies so quickly when there is a baby in the picture. I can't believe that she is already 4 months old!

So a lot has happened since last time I wrote. Thanksgiving came and went-- we spent it with Scott's family. Spending time with them was lovely; I really lucked out with my in-laws. During their visit, Penny got blessed along with her 19-day-younger cousin, Erik. Here is a picture of that:

My mom and Oren were able to make it to the blessing, and I am so grateful for that. She is the one  that made Penny's beautiful little dress! Also during Thanksgiving, Scott's aunt, Krista, also took some family pictures of us:

As you can see, Penny was sick of taking pictures and Erik was concerned for her well-being. Penny is very much a mommy-daddy girl and is happiest in her bubble. Too much commotion and she gets overwhelmed and unhappy. When it is just Scott, me and her at home, she is always happy, laughing, and smiling. She also refuses to take a bottle which can be very frustrating-- I wish I could leave her for more than 3 hours at a time so I could go on a date with my husband occasionally! I know this won't last forever, and once she starts eating solids she will be able to go longer between meals. Plus, I like that she needs me so much. :)

We were able to go visit my family for Christmas and I am so glad we did. I hadn't seen my family since I got married (minus my mom of course). It was Penny's first flight and she did well considering. She slept most of the time, and only cried a little bit. The security people got to see her right after she woke up, so she was squeaking and smiling at them the whole time. She is the absolute happiest when she just wakes up from a nice long sleep. Everyone we passed just smiled at Penny and told us how cute she is. I wanted to say, "Oh I know." But I just thanked them instead. :) 

Here is Penny, fast asleep on the plane. It was nice to cuddle her for those three hours.

I'm glad my family was able to meet Penny. They are so wonderful for coming to the airport and picking us up, feeding us, and letting us stay with them. My dad especially! Love you all!

It is nice to be home, sleeping in our own bed though. Penny is starting to grab things (letting them go still evades her) and she loves drooling on anything and everything. She rolled over 3 times when we visited Freeport, but she hasn't since then-- she gets lazy. :) I am so grateful for her sweet little spirit and I am grateful I get to take care of her, even though it gets hard to feel that way when she wakes up in the middle of the night. Still, those moments I know I will miss once she is grown up. This leads me to the next thing that has been on my mind: motherhood.

Honestly, I feel like I was born to be a mother. It just feels natural and right-- I'm not saying I am perfect at it by any means-- trust me, I have a lot to learn. But I can see how Heavenly Father's plan is centered on the family. It brings me true happiness when I am with my husband and daughter. When I see Scott playing with Penny, telling her how much he loves her, and seeing her light up when he talks to her, my heart melts with overwhelming joy. She gets so excited when he comes home; she squeaks and squeals with delight, and I am so glad that she loves her daddy. And I am so glad that he loves her, isn't scared to change diapers, and takes a huge part in caring for her. Sometimes it is only daddy that can get her to sleep when she is really worked up, and I am okay with that. I am so grateful I married a man who loves me and his daughter above all else (even though the 49ers are close-- haha). He always wanted a family, and I am happy that I could help him reach his biggest goal. Sometimes I get pretty irritated when I don't get enough sleep, which is all the time, so I am thankful he is so patient with me. There is no one I would rather be raising children and spending my life journey (and eternity) with. Okay, I think that is all I have to say about that. I love my little family.

A snippet from Scott:
And here is Penny at her best, cheering on the 49ers. In lieu of it being the New Year and playoff time, we would like to ask everyone for their sincere thoughts and prayers in helping Kaepernick guide us (49ers) to a victory in Super Bowl XLVIII and our 6th Super Bowl victory.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mr. & Mrs. Bovie! We loved reading your blog post! Sounds like you guys are doing really well and oh wow Penny is just adorable! We miss living near you guys. Hope things continue to go well and Scott we are sorry to hear about the 49ers! -Brad and Erika :)
